You want to use your gift to help transform people's lives.

You believe everyone deserves happiness and you can help them.

But you're not sure where to even start or what you need to do.

You feel overwhelmed and you're not sure if have what it takes.

You want to follow your joy and have the freedom to LOVE your life.


I understand how overwhelming it feels. I know what it's like to sometimes doubt your value or your ability.

But I know when you connect with your higher self and follow your heart it results in mountains of self belief!

I specialise in helping soul-led women like you build the business and life they dream of.


If you are ready to commit to fulfilling your dreams I will be there by your side to support you every step of the way.

I do this in THREE ways.

A 6 Month Journey


  • Mindset & Self Belief

    I will help you to adopt a mindset and soul-set for success. Believing in what you can achieve and believing in the value in what you are offering will be crucial in attaining what you want.

  • Communication & Messaging

    I will help you identify your niche and ideal client. Together we will learn to speak their language. I will show you how to use this language in all your communications so that your attract only your ideal clients in abundance.

  • Systems

    I will show you how to get systems in place to save you hassle and time and to make the whole process easier for your clients. Technology does not need to be complicated!


You can have everything you want.

Give yourself permission to step out from the shadows and shine your light so that you can do what you do best.


Don't just take my word for it

What my clients say...

  • “Ailish is a superb business coach.....especially for anyone thinking of starting out in the holistic industry. In addition to her extensive coaching knowledge she has lots of hands on experience working with therapists across lots of different modalities. From the start she was welcoming and made me feel at ease. There was no hanging about and even after week one there was lots of gains and homework assigned for the following week. . I have no hesitation recommending Ailish as a coach. It'll be one of the best investments in your business that you make! “ 

    - Grainne Lavin

  • "I am a Life coach and I worked with Ailish for 12 weeks. I learned so much over the 12 weeks and Ailish supported me through wins and fails. She was always so supportive and re-framed any negative self talk or imposter syndrome and helped me see the situation through a different lens. Working with Ailish helped me to realise that I was made to do the work that I do. And she always believed in me and helped keep me focused. I looked forward to our weekly sessions and she was always available in between sessions to offer support and advice. And when some things didn't go to plan, she was so supportive and checked in with me. I felt like she really cared about me and my business. Ailish has so much knowledge of marketing & people and how to promote your business. Ailish is warm and genuine, she is an excellent coach and I took so much from our sessions. I never felt silly for asking questions and she always had helpful advice, resources and ideas to implement. I am so grateful to have met Ailish and I know the she will always be someone who I can rely on for solid advice moving forward in my business. If you are starting out and you want a coach who cares about you and your business, then Ailish and Wild Heart Marketing is your one stop shop for marketing strategy, coaching, motivation and encouragement."

    - Antoinette Coffey

  • "Working with Ailish on my marketing strategy was invaluable! As a small business owner in the wellness field it's impossible to give my all to what I truly want to focus on, while also being a tech specialist, a marketing specialist and everything else in between to grow a successful business!

    I'm so glad I reached out for help when it comes to marketing strategy, that way I could spend just a few hours a week with Ailish getting really clear on my goals, developing my brand identity with the guidance of an expert and getting invaluable advice and a huge range of templates and guides to follow specifically built for me and my unique business! 

    Ailish's experience in marketing, tech and strategy along with her kind, fun and human nature, gives her the perfect placement for guiding business owners in their journey - giving us the confidence to understand what is needed and why, so we can take ownership on growing our businesses without having to read all the marketing books or taking additional courses - so we can concentrate more on why we started the business in the first place!"

    - Dr Cathy Scanlon