Galway, Ireland

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Take the Hassle out of Marketing your Business

Marketing your business can be overwhelming and scary. With so much to think about and decide upon it can be difficult to even know where to begin. Not to mention all of the established businesses out there rocking it.... making you feel like you could never compare! 

Well I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way!

Promoting your business can be FUN, EXCITING and dare I say, even straightforward and easy!

The key to making it so, is to first:

Define your Brand 

After that everything is so much easier.

When you have a clearly defined and visually appealing brand you can:

Confidently plan and create social content 

Build or improve your website with ease

Showcase the value in your time, products and services 

And much much more....

The Brand Designs Process

Over the course of 6 weeks, we will meet one-on-one over zoom for 1 hour. We will use that time to analyse and strategise. Each week you will be given exercises, worksheets and or training based on what we discussed during our call.

It's important to note that this is not a "made for you" product. YOU are at the heart of your business brand. My role is to guide you and help you put the pieces together.

Here's what you can expect to cover over the 6 weeks:

The Route

Your Business Goals and Vision

Together we get clarity on what you want for your business and where you're headed.

Your Big Why - Mission

What drives you is a huge part of your branding message. Time to connect to your why and learn how to tell your story.

Business Personality & Values

What you are recognised for and what's important to your brand is what customers/clients connect to. Let's make sure you are known for the right reasons.

Your Ideal Client

Build your ideal client or customer persona and learn to speak their language.

Your Core Offering

How to write copy for your core offering that represents your brand and speaks to your ideal audience.

Brand Visuals

Time to put fresh eyes on your visuals and workshop a consistent look for your business.

Need a logo? No problem, book a call to discuss adding a logo design to your package!

Content Strategy

Together we build a plan to establish your clear brand on the market and take the mystery out of creating content.


What My Clients Say